Female Sexual Wellness in Burleson and Fort Worth, TX

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Tired of a leaky bladder?
Can’t sneeze or laugh without leaks?
Tired of spending money on pads and bulky adult underwear to protect against leaks?
Ask us about the O-Shot and how it can help you!
Immediate results.

During the natural aging process, some women may begin to notice a natural reduction in sexual wellness and arousal. For women, vaginal laxity and dryness are common, as are issues with having orgasms. The O-Shot treatment then stimulates the production of collagen to provide sexual enhancement. Learn more about the innovative O-Shot treatment by contacting Med Spa at Seena One (Corrective Skin Care)in Burleson, TX to schedule your initial consultation.

What Are The Benefits Of The O-Shot?

There are countless benefits provided for female incontinence and sexual wellness, including:

  • Improves the sensitivity and sexual enjoyment
  • Tighter vaginal skin
  • More frequent and easier to achieve orgasms
  • Improved vaginal lubrication and reduced dryness
  • Decreased pain for patients who experience painful intercourse
  • Rapid results
  • Fast and virtually painless injection
  • Effective for treating urinary incontinence

am i a Candidate For the O-Shot?

For women who are having difficulty with sexual arousal or reaching climax, you may be a candidate for sexual enhancement treatment with the O-Shot. An effective treatment for enhancing sexual health, the O-Shot can help tighten vaginal laxity in women who have experienced vaginal childbirth and treat urinary incontinence. At your consultation, our team will decide whether you are an ideal candidate to formulate your personalized sexual wellness procedure plan.

how is The O-Shot performed?

The o-shot for female incontinence and sexual wellness is performed in one of our spacious treatment rooms. To begin, an amount of blood will be drawn from your arm and placed in a centrifuge. This works to separate and isolate the platelets from the other components of the blood. Before the injection process, a local anesthetic will be administered to the treatment area to reduce discomfort throughout your procedure. After the area is prepared, the solution will be carefully and gently injected into the upper vaginal area.

how soon do you see results after the O-Shot?

Following your treatment, you will be able to return to your normal daily routine. All aftercare instructions will be provided by a member of our team in order to ensure you receive the best possible results. Although a number of patients may notice improvements right after the injections, it could take a few days or weeks before you see the full effect of your results as your body continues to stimulate the production of collagen. To help preserve your results, our team may suggest follow-up treatments.

female incontinence and sexual wellness FAQ

How long do the effects of the o-shot for female incontinence and sexual wellness last?

Patients can generally feel the effects of one injection for female incontinence and sexual wellness for about 1 – 2 years. The exact length will vary from patient to patient, but we generally encourage patients to schedule another session after about 18 months.

How quickly do you see results for female incontinence and sexual wellness?

Some patients will see results almost immediately or within days. Most patients can expect to see improving results within 1 — 3 months.

Is the treatment for female incontinence and sexual wellness painful?

While having an injection into such a sensitive area might sound painful, most patients notice little to no pain or discomfort during their session. This is due in large part to the use of a topical anesthetic that will effectively numb the injection areas, leading to increased comfort throughout the treatment.

Improve your sexual health

Struggling with sexual difficulties can emotionally and physically impact the quality of your life. Thankfully, the treatment for female incontinence and sexual wellness can help improve your sexual health and treat a number of additional concerns. Contact our Burleson, TX facility to learn more and to schedule your initial consultation. 

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.