Five Reasons Patients Consider JUVEDERM Dermal Fillers in Burleson, TX
When you look in the mirror, do you see fine lines and wrinkles? Do you look tired, even when well-rested? Fuller cheeks, plump lips, and smooth skin are all aspects of our faces that change as we get older, but dermal fillers, like JUVÉDERM®, are changing the way we age. Facial injectables are letting men and women defy the aging process and becoming one of the cosmetic answers for overall facial rejuvenation. Dr. Mukhtar Anees, a board-certified gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, and internal medicine specialist, and founder of Med Spa At Seena One, provides JUVÉDERM, along with an array of other cosmetic options, to help improve the way his patients look and feel in Burleson, TX.
Read on to learn more about how you can fight against aging skin with the extensive collection of JUVÉDERM fillers as well as some of their key benefits.
What is the JUVÉDERM difference?
While no one can stop the natural process of aging, facial injectables, like temporary dermal fillers, can slow it down. Today, in the cosmetic world, there are a variety of options, yet JUVÉDERM remains one of the most popular. Since its FDA approval in 2006, it has helped individuals defy the aging process and forgo more invasive procedures, like a facelift. Dermal fillers offer a natural way to minimize the visible signs of deep creases or wrinkles and add volume to deflated skin. Since its debut, JUVÉDERM has evolved and now provides various options to target certain areas of the face, making it a more customizable cosmetic experience for each patient.
The power of the JUVÉDERM family
JUVÉDERM is an excellent choice for patients in Burleson, TX wanting to restore more youthful contours and fight visible signs of aging skin. This gel-like substance is composed of an active ingredient called hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a natural substance found in the body. However, as we age, our bodies produce less and less of it. JUVÉDERM is made from synthetic hyaluronic acid that acts as a temporary volume booster to facial tissue for a smoother appearance. Once injected, it stimulates the body's natural supply of collagen and hyaluronic acid around the target areas while restoring moisture to dry areas. Patients can experience a more voluminous, younger-looking, and hydrated complexion.
Five reasons to consider JUVÉDERM
When the body begins to produce less hyaluronic acid, it causes the skin to retain moisture, resulting in a drier complexion. Combine that with a decrease in collagen production, and facial skin begins to sag toward the jawline. Lips can start to look thinner, and cheeks once full of plumpness, begin to look gaunt or hollow. The JUVÉDERM family is a group of versatile fillers that can rejuvenate the entire face. Each JUVÉDERM formula is uniquely designed to tackle specific issues and give facial skin fullness and volume, or decrease the appearance of deep lines or wrinkles. Here are some other reasons to consider trying JUVÉDERM:
1. Long-lasting results
Although JUVÉDERM fillers provide a temporary solution to wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of facial volume, the results can last 6 – 12 months, or longer. It is a simple, straightforward procedure that offers an effective alternative to a more invasive procedure.
2. It's a "lunchtime" treatment
Facial injectables, like JUVÉDERM, are often referred to as a "lunchtime" procedure since they are relatively quick and easy appointments that typically last between 20 – 25 minutes. Individuals can consider getting JUVÉDERM help during their lunch hour and, in most cases, can return to work or other normal daily activities immediately after their appointment.
3. Minimal downtime required
Facial rejuvenation with injectables can address fine lines and wrinkles, or loss of facial volume, giving patients the freedom of no downtime associated with this type of cosmetic procedure. Patients may experience mild swelling, redness, or bruising, but these symptoms will subside in a few hours or days. Most patients are only asked to not exercise or do any strenuous activity for the first 24 – 48 hours after their JUVÉDERM treatment.
4. Modifications can be made
A new wrinkle or crease can be tackled at each JUVÉDERM appointment. Working closely with a qualified, experienced injector, like the staff at Med Spa At Seena One, allows patients to discuss their concerns and adjust their treatment plans. The dosage and injection location can be altered to accommodate a patient's changing needs at any subsequent sessions every 6 – 12 months.
5. A visible difference
The JUVÉDERM results speak for themselves, which is why more women and men are trying dermal fillers. They can last several months before gradually fading over time, indicating it is time for another appointment. A patient should begin to notice visible improvements with a more youthful appearance and smoothness to their skin immediately following their treatment. Once any side effects, like redness or swelling, diminish over the next few hours or days, patients can begin to enjoy their new results.
At Med Spa At Seena One, Dr. Anees and his experienced team offer the complete family of JUVÉDERM fillers and numerous other aesthetic procedures at their treatment center in Burleson, TX. If you are considering facial injectables or have additional questions, we invite you to call today and schedule a consultation with one of our skilled team experts at Med Spa At Seena One.